Atrix Critical Area Vacuum, HEPA Vacuum Filtration Type, 0.12 gal Tank Size, Plastic – VACEXP-IPM-G
Pest-removal vacuums pick up spiders, bed bugs, roaches, and other insects and keep them contained until disposal. They include plugs for sealing the vacuum hose and filter to keep pests from crawling out after vacuuming. These vacuums have a three-layer HEPA filter for trapping pests along with their eggs and droppings and preventing contaminants from recirculating into the cleaned area.,Critical-area vacuums clean up hazardous materials, sensitive equipment, and specialized environments. They allow use on specific materials (such as mercury) or in specific locations (such as cleanrooms). They collect materials that could damage standard vacuums or clear dust in areas where standard vacuums could create hazards or cause damage and contamination.