ASI 0558-1 Recessed Bedpan and Washbasin Storage Cabinet
The ASI 0558-1 Bed Pan and Wash Basin Cabinet is an attractive, sanitary way to store bed pans and wash basins in your long-term care facility or hospital. The interior of the cabinet is spacious enough to accommodate one wash basin and one bed pan of standard size. The cabinet is crafted out of type-304, 18-8 alloy, 22-gauge stainless steel buffed to a No. 4 satin finish to cut down on fingerprinting. Outfitted with a No-Flex core and designed with double pan construction, the door is attached to the cabinet with a heavy-duty, multi-staked, full-length stainless steel piano hinge. A magnetic catch affixed on the frame keeps the door shut tightly. The interior of the unit includes one stainless steel shelf as well as two steel rods for keeping the bed pan and wash basin in place. For installation, the cabinet requires a rough opening that measures 15-3/4 inches in width by 29 inches in height by 5 inches in depth. The design includes 1 inch of space at the bottom and top of the door to allow for air circulation.