Bradley 8170-001180 (18 x 1.5) Public Restroom Grab Bar
The Bradley 8170-001180 is a straight grab bar that measures 1-1/2 inches in diameter. The bar is 18 inches in length. The grab bar is crafted from 18-gauge stainless steel tubing that has an attractive satin finish to cut down on fingerprints, while still giving the unit an attractive gleam. At either end of the grab bar is a flange that is 3-1/8 inches in diameter. Each flange is made from type-304 stainless steel and is securely herliarc welded to the stainless steel tubing. Within each flange, there are two countersunk, predrilled holes that are designed to accept the standard size mounting screws, which are not included. Once the grab bar is mounted, the mounting hardware remains fully exposed, making it easy to move or remove if the needs of your company change in the future. The unit meets or exceeds all requirements for grab bars established in ADA and other barrier-free accessibility guidelines.