Koala Kare KB144-99 Trim for Recess Mounting Diaper Kit Dispenser, Stainless Steel
The Koala Kare KB144-99 Trim for Recess Mounting Diaper Kit Dispenser is a companion product to the Koala Kare KB143-SS Diaper Kit Dispenser. The stainless steel pieces included in the trim allow you to install the diaper kit dispenser in a recessed fashion in your commercial restroom facility. The trim has a satin finish that coordinates perfectly with the dispenser. To use the dispenser in a recessed position, you will need a rough opening that measures 12-1/2 inches in width by 42-1/4 inches in height. Installation instructions are provided with the dispenser to allow you to ensure safety in your commercial restroom. Once you have installed the dispenser with the necessary trim, the unit will dispense 24 of the diaper kits included in the Koala Kare KB113-99 Diaper Kit Case. The unit sells the kits for one dollar, allowing you to recoup the cost of purchasing the supplies as well as the trim kit and the dispenser itself.